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Episode #256

The Art and Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life

Episode #256 - Interview with Adam Markel

About Adam Markel:

Transformational Trainer Adam Markel (SAY Mar-KEL) is CEO of New Peaks, one of the world’s leading human potential training companies, and author of the new book, “PIVOT: The Art and Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life” (Simon & Schuster, Spring 2016). Adam brings his expert experience in the areas of entrepreneurship, business and personal and professional reinvention.


In this episode Joe Polish interviews Adam Markel, a transformational coach and author of Pivot – a book designed to change your life. Adam turned a life he hated into a life he loves by creating New Peaks, a transformational coaching business that takes people through the process of discovering their core values and creating meaningful change in their lives.

Here’s a quick glance at what you’ll learn from Adam in this episode:

  • How Adam went from being a workaholic attorney to becoming a transformational leader
  • A 1-minute technique you can do anytime, anywhere to feel more connected and present
  • The Secret Life of A Transformational Leader: Behind-the-scenes challenges and fears almost no one talks about
  • What it means to Pivot and how it leads to an extraordinary life
  • The biggest obstacle you must overcome if you want to reach your next level
  • 6 Steps For Getting Clarity: How to get clear on what you really want in life
  • One of the most important skills to develop in business if you want to be more successful and help more people
  • Joe and Adam discuss how to learn faster, make more money, and become a leader
  • The Superhero Formula: What is it and how it can change your life
  • Adam shares how to be happier, more peaceful, and more purposeful
  • How to embrace fear and turn it into creativity, power and opportunity
  • Why failing could be the key to helping you grow faster and get bigger, better results
  • How to increase the quality of your life, elevate your circumstances and become more authentic
  • The Power of Rituals: 3 simple habits to put in place that lead to more success and fulfillment

  •       Introduction [00:20]
  •       Adam is married with kids – he’s just written Pivot, about reinventing yourself [00:40]
  •       “When I practiced law, I saw the worst in people. Running transformational training with New Peaks, I see the best in people” [01:45]
  •       Fear is what stops people from being their best selves  [03:06]
  •       “How do I put fear in its proper place?” [03:54]
  •       Adam trained to become a lawyer – “In my thirties, the first thoughts I had every day were thoughts of anxiety and dread” [06:00]
  •       Do people need to hit bottom before they change their lives? [07:10]
  •       How do you have conversations with people about their fears and about necessary changes?  [09:02]
  •       People need to be taken to a place where they see themselves and discover what they’ve forgotten about themselves [10:14]
  •       “I’d made several million dollars before I was thirty…but I was miserable, set up poor businesses, and hemorrhaged a ton of money” [12:15]
  •       Adam almost had a heart attack at 38 – and decided that something needed to change [13:34]
  •       “Any transformation begins with awareness” – Adam started his own transformation by reading books – for example, The Road Less Traveled [18:33]
  •      The Seven Day Mental Diet – Emmett Fox
  •       Getting your life going is about clarity and momentum [20:35]
  •       “Ask not of divine providence more riches, but more wisdom”  [22:15]
  •       In yoga, controlling your breath is the most important element – without controlling your breath, you can’t control your mind [22:55]
  •       Connection is crucial: when you talk with someone, you’re either in connection or you’re trying to escape [25:02]
  •       What are the challenges for Adam in what he does? [26:18]
  •       “I’m more of an intimacy person. I’m not great in big groups in my personal life” [27:03]
  •       Adam’s mantra for his teaching: “It’s not about me” – He focuses on serving the people he’s there to talk to [27:45]
  •       Speaking to an audience of people has everything to do with intention – if you’re going to improve the lives of the people you’re speaking to, then that comes through [29:50]
  •      Is selling evil? [30:50]
  •       How do you influence and persuade someone that you care about into a future that’s good for them? That’s what selling is [31:42]
  •       If you want to be able to be successful in life or business, you need to be able to sell [35:14]
  •       Enrol yourself. How can you get anything done if you don’t get leverage over yourself and your rituals? [37:46]
  •       Changes don’t have to be difficult [41:50]
  •       Everyone’s an expert in the techniques that have got them to where they are now.

Sometimes unlearning is even more important than learning [42:40]

  •       “If you learn without unlearning, it’s like putting whipped cream on dogshit” [45:14]
  •       What does “pivot” mean to Adam? [49:21]
  •       People don’t want to make mistakes – and that’s a problem [50:12]
  •       Making a few small changes constantly can change the trajectory of your life [50:30]
  •       Youtube started as a video dating site – they saw what wasn’t working, made small changes, and became incredibly successful [52:00]
  •       Adam wrote Pivot for his kids [53:12]
  •       The most effective way to learn something is to teach it [55:34]
  •       You don’t have to put everything on the line in order to make a change [58:35]
  •       Make little changes – one domino at a time [59:34]
  •       What are Adam’s steps for helping people to find clarity in life? [01:00:06]

       Unbelieving: examining where your beliefs come from and making a conscious choice about them

       Letting go: releasing the thoughts and belief that don’t help you

       Creating a new vision for your life

  •       “Success without fulfilment feels like failure” [01:04:50]
  •       Find processes – learning, working out, teaching – that keep you in an engaged state [01:08:45]
  •       There are 5 ways you can get paid: reward, appreciation, utilisation, referral, and personal enhancement [01:09:40]
  •       In order to be a great teacher, you have to be a great student [01:12:47]
  •       What are the best ways that Adam’s found for facing fear? [01:15:40]

       Ask yourself what conversation you’re having in your head: is it about limitation or possibility?

       Sometimes you just need to get out of your own head

       Talk to your fear – acknowledge that it serves you sometimes, but doesn’t serve you right now

       “What’s the creative opportunity?”

  •       The Superhero Formula [01:21:15]

       Know who you are at the core

  •       The most challenging thing in the world is seeing your own blindspots [01:22:56]
  •       Decide who you want in your world: the stakeholders, the mentors and the friends [01:24:13]
  •       Do not leave scorched earth on the way up in your life – you might run into those people in 25 years [01:25:45]
  •       Be kind and grateful to the people around you [01:26:56]
  •       A lot what people call genius is just redundancy – consistently practising the same thing [01:28:40]
  •       Adam’s talked about rituals – what’s his morning ritual? [01:31:01]

       The first thing he does each morning is wake up

       Ask what am I grateful for?

       Put your feet on the floor, stand up, and say I love my life

  •       What are the biggest lessons Adam’s learned about growth? [01:36:43]
  •       Don’t be afraid to fail. Fail fast and learn your lessons [01:37:50]
  •       How do you know when to stick with something, versus when to stop digging? [01:40:16]
  •       Buy Pivot here and get free tickets to a live event [01:43:15]

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